Tigertoes Herbs, Teas and Trees

3821 Williamson Rd, Fort Myers, FL 33905


About Us

At Tigertoes Farm, our respect for the interconnectedness of nature is what motivates us!

Debby Kays, a passionate herbalist, finds joy in her studies of the plants and herbs around us and their uses. Her creativity, and continuing research into herbs and their uses has led to the growing list of tea blends and tinctures she brings to the community. We make an effort to grow those herbs that are adapted to our climate and when not possible ingredients are carefully sourced from reputable organic suppliers for use in our teas, tinctures and capsules.

Locally, she offers both plant-based and gluten-free baked goods that are a delight to me and sweeten the conscious eating of the whole community. There may be a personal bias here, but I’m pretty sure the friends and neighbors agree. You might want to try them for yourself.

Sauna House, located in Bonita Springs, Florida, is featuring Tigertoes Teas as part of its after spa refreshments. Come support their spa and enjoy.

Terry Kays, after many varied endeavors I always come back to plants. The pleasure of seeing someone try a fresh fully ripe fruit for, in many cases, the first time is deeply satisfying. We have strayed from a life of engagement in the raising of our food to a place where strangers are creating and controlling our food with their own set of priorities. In our small way we are striving to reconnect to our sustenance and that of our neighbors. This applies to our fruits, trees, teas, and all the great goodies that Debby creates.

I’m always looking for new tree sources and enthusiastic about growing, grafting, and propagating tropical fruit trees, gingers and herbs whenever possible. This with an eye toward giving the community an opportunity to grow wonderful fruits for themselves. Who could ask for more.

I don’t know everything about plants and our environment but enjoy sharing my hard won knowledge with others.